calltakers at work


9-1-1 Call Statistics:

Total 911 Calls: 173,752

Admin Lines: 130,479

Text-to-911: 192*

Average 911 Call Answer Times by Month:

The National Emergency Number Association (NENA) Call Answering Standard/Model Recommendation is that 90% of all 9-1-1 calls are answered during peak hours within 10 seconds.  SunComm does an exceptional job exceeding those standards during all hours, not just during times of peak call volume, despite consistent under-staffing throughout 2019.

January: 99.66% in 4.135 SecondsJuly: 99.98% in 4.498 Seconds
February: 99.58% in 4.098 SecondsAugust: 99.99% in 4.430 Seconds
March: 99.75% in 4.276 SecondsSeptember: 99.95% in 4.447 Seconds
April: 99.93% in 4.213 SecondsOctober: 99.99% in 4.286 Seconds
May: 99.87% in 4.199 Seconds   November: 99.99% in 4.445 Seconds
June: 99.93% in 4.176 Seconds   December: 99.98% in 4.442 Seconds


Response Statistics:

In 2019 SunComm Dispatched the following number of incidents for the following agencies:

Yakima Fire: 10,619

Yakima County Fire Districts: 3,492

Yakima Police:

Dispatched Incidents- 88,160

Traffic Stops- 22,148

Union Gap Police:

Dispatched Incidents- 7,719

Traffic Stops- 2,015